Spirits of Arianwyn

Viewing Clan Competition: January ALT Tracker

Competition Time Frame: 01/01/2025 00:00 UTC to 02/01/2025 00:00 UTC
Competition has ended.
Data Last Updated: 02/01/2025 00:00 UTC (41 days 06 hours 23 minutes ago)

Skill: Overall
Cumulative Overall XP 8,870,900,490 Cumulative Overall XP Gained 119,840,496
Average Overall XP 739,241,708 Average Overall XP Gained 9,986,708
Cumulative Overall Levels 26,126 Cumulative Overall Levels Gained 827
Average Overall Levels 2,177 Average Overall Levels Gained 69
Participants and Stats
RankUsernameStart XPCurrent XPCurrent LevelGained XPGained Levels
1Buggy mush66,689,630110,593,210237243,903,580131
2Spyro Solo42,517,53662,181,124218919,663,588126
3Amyntas Bion263,395,807282,162,403265418,766,59620
4Zam Syndulla34,338,32345,147,864214310,809,54188
6Man U Rooney109,703,989117,567,96923497,863,98048
7Haleth 54,655,4048,452,12515593,796,721169
8Poacher Jen2,321,985,9262,325,025,53530543,039,6090
11Xp nibbler1,020,2871,300,241675279,954116
12Nut Meggs5,800,000,0005,800,000,000307300